International Journal of Applied Research and Technology
ISSN 2277-0585
Vol. 9, No. 10 | October 2020
Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Sociology
Nwaiwu, J. C. and Obialu, C. H.
Analysis of Cocoyam Value Addition Practices by Rural Women in Owerri Agricultural Zone of Imo State, Nigeria.
Nifeipiri, S. E. and Elenwa, C. O.
Constraints to Rural Women Arable Crop Farmers in Community Development Activities in Rivers State, Nigeria.
Abdul-karim, I. F., Ajagbe, J. A., Famuyiwa, B. S., Adebiyi, S., Uwagboe, E. O. and Agbongiarhuoyi, A. E.
Appraisal of Leadership Styles among Cashew Co-operative Farmers in Ilorin West Local Government Area of Kwara State, Nigeria.
Aduloju, A. R., Oluwalana, T., Okeleke, S. O. and Ojedokun, C. A.
Effect of Land Degradation on Agricultural Activities in Ido Local Government Area, Oyo State, Nigeria.
Poronakie, N. B., Adediji, P. A. and Nwala, G. I.
Health Facility Variability as Determinant of Spatial Poverty Inequality in Ogoni Land.
Okorie, G. U. and Elenwa, C. O.
Socioeconomics of Gender in Accessing Climate Information for Climate Adaptation among Arable Crop Farmers in Oyigbo Local Government Area, Rivers State, Nigeria.
Aminatu, A., Bala, A. Y., Singh, K. and Budah A. G.
Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Regarding Urinary Schistosomiasis among Communities in Kebbi State, Nigeria.
Aduloju, A. R., Oluwalana, T., Okeleke, S. O. and Ojedokun, C. A.
Awareness and Uses of Information Communication Technologies among Poultry Farmers in Ibadan Metropolis, Oyo State, Nigeria.
Agronomy and Plant Science
Oluwalana, T., Aduloju, A. R. and Okeleke, S. O.
Potentials of Green and Organic Manure on Early Growth of Treculia africana Seedlings.
Pest Management
Bello, I., Abubakar, A. and Abdul-Hadi, B. D.
Effects of Chemical Spray in the Management of Insect Pests of Groundnut in Sokoto, Nigeria.
Aminatu, A., Bala, A. Y., Singh, K. and Budah A. G.
Spatial Analysis of Urinary Schistosomiasis in Argungu Local Government Area, Kebbi State, Nigeria.
Abubakar, A., Abubakar, H. M., Ijaiya, I. S. and Arzika, S.
Street Vended Soy Cheese: A Health Risk Challenge on Consumers.
Bello, I., Lawan, A. A. and Abdul-Hadi, B. D.
Evaluation of Two Insecticides (Dimethoate and Chlorpyrifos) in Management of Insect Pests of Millet (Pennisetum glaucum, (L) R. BR).
Nwosu, E.C., Yekini, B. A, SILAS, E. J. and Silas. F. I.
Evaluation of Geohelminths Contamination of Vegetables Produced in Selected Communities in Ishiagu and Sold in Eke Market Ishiagu, Ebonyi State, Nigeria.
Shittu, A. O.
Management of Pension Records for Prompt Payment of Retirement Benefits: A Guide.
Poronakie, N. B., Sudor, D. K. and Adediji, P. A.
Environmental Laws, Policy Regulations and Enforcement in Nigeria.