Vol. 9, No. 6; June 2020

International Journal of Applied Research and Technology

ISSN 2277-0585

Vol. 9, No. 6      |      June 2020

Cover Page

 Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Sociology

Awogbenja, M. D., Ojo, C. A. and Egbewole, O. B.

Assessing the Infant Feeding Practices among Lactating Mothers in Ekiti East Local Government Area, Ekiti State, Nigeria.

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 Agronomy and Plant Science

Agha, U. A. and Anyaegbu, P. O.

Effect of Gliricidia sepium and Leucaena leucocephala leaves Mulch Application and NPK (15:15:15) Fertilizer on Soil Properties and Growth of Xanthosoma sagittifolium in Maize Based Cropping System.

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Bassey, M. S., Bigun, P. I., Ekaette, J. E., Aliyu. U., Ebenezer, F. O., Ahmadu, M. K., Alawode, V. O. and Lemibe, P. C.

Phytosociological Attributes of Weeds of Sugarcane at Badeggi, Niger State, Nigeria.

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