International Journal of Applied Research and Technology
ISSN 2277-0585
Vol. 2, No. 11 | November 2013
Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Sociology
Oladoyinbo, O. B., Ashimolowo, O. R., Sokoya, G. O., 1Sadiq, M. M., Ogunsola, T. O. and Olabimisi, A. D.
Factors Affecting Utilization of Healthcare Services by Arable Crop Farmers in Oyo State, Nigeria.
Oyewole, S. O., Saleh, M. K. and Akintola, A. L.
Measurement of Food Security Status of Farming Households in Oyo State of Nigeria.
Okezie, C. R. and Onyenweaku, C. E.
Determinants of Agricultural Loan Repayment in Abia State, Nigeria.
Agronomy and Plant Science
Alalade, J. A., Akanbi, W. B., Akingbade, A. A., Akinlade, J. A., Gbadamosi, J. and Emiola, C. B.
Effects of Manure Types on Herbage Yield and Nutritive Value of Panicum maximum
Koyejo, O. A. and Okonkwo, H. O.
Vitality and Viability of Dacryodes edulis (Don. G. Lam H. J.) Seeds from Dry and Moist Heat Softened Fruits
Adagba, M. A. and Shaahu, A.
Studies on Genetic Variability and Interrelationship among the Different Traits in Some Selected Sesame at Badeggi, Nigeria.
Kiyawa, S. A., Bilkisu, A. I., Binta, U.B., Kutama, A. S. and Umar, S.
Effects of Temperature on the Germination and Mycelium Growth of Sporisorium reilianum (Kuhn) Langdon and Fullerton.
Sokoto, M. B.and Abdulraheem, A.
Effects of Variety and Spacing on Growth, Yield and Yield Components of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L. (Moench) in Sokoto, Sudan Savannah, Nigeria.
Onwughalu, J. T. and Ogbonna P. E.
Effects of Different Rates of Poultry Manure and N: P: K: 15:15:15 Fertilizer on the Growth and Yield of Solanum melongena L. ‘Ngwa Local’
Dike, M. C., Nwosu, P. O., Chukwu, L. I. and Nwosu, M. C.
Temporary Variations in Proximate, Phytochemical and Mineral Compositions of Leaflets of Pterocarpus Mildbreadii and Pterocarpus Santallinods Grown in South-east Nigeria.
Anyaegbu, P. O., Iwuanyahwu, U. P. and Omaliko, C. P. E.
Comparative Evaluation of Effect of Moringa oleifera Extracts and Different Fertilizers on the Growth Performance of Telfaria occidentalis
Isong, A., Eka, M. J. and Nwankwo, I. I. M.
Correlations and Path Analysis of Yam (Dioscorea rotundata Poir) Yield and Yield Components.
Pest Management
Aremu, M. B., Sanni, A. A. and Maji, A. T.
Microbiological Quality Assessment of Rice Sold by Food Vendors around some Health Centres in Ilorin Metropolis
Bashir, M., Gana, A. S., Maji, A. T. and Ukwungwu, M. N.
Evaluation of Yield and Its Components of AfRGM Resistant Inter-specific Rice Lines.
Oti, R. N. and Oti, E. A. R. N.
Effects of Black Sigatoka on the Growth and Development of Plantain Banana
Soil Science and Management
Nwaogu, E. N.
Effects of Different Sources and Forms of Organic Fertilizer Application on Ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) Yield and Soil Quality Responses of an Ultisol in South-east Nigeria.
Oti, M. R. N., Nwosu, P. O, Oti, E. A. R. N., Chukwu, L. I. and Adiele, A.
Evaluation of Indigenous Soil Resource Management Technologies in Bende Local Government Area of Abia State Nigeria.
Muhammad, M.
Education and Social Change: The Role of a Teacher as Change Agent
Ifenkwe, G. E.
Feed-forward Mechanism for Effective Information Exchange and Agro-Technology Transfer in Nigeria
Muhammad, M.
Traits and Function Theories in Psychological Assessment: A Review